Tamas: his first year as a hospitality distribution driver

distribution driver

We are proud of Tamas, who has been a part of our team as a box truck driver for over a year as a customer in the hospitality wholesale sector. Since March 2023, he has traded the logistics world for an adventure behind the wheel. Missing the challenge, he decided to get his driver's license. He has been working with our client for several months now, experiencing much more freedom in his work.


The transition to a driver

After over 10 years as a machine operator in logistics, where he did the same work in the same place every day, Tamas was ready for a new challenge. Taking a bold step, he decided to get his driver's license. He quickly discovered that the position of hospitality distribution driver perfectly aligned with his desires, seeing different places and enjoying more freedom. A win-win situation that he still appreciates every day.


What makes working in hospitality distribution enjoyable?

Tamas particularly enjoys the diversity that his work brings. He meets and interacts with different people and customers throughout the day. As a token of appreciation for his effort, he often receives a cup of coffee or a treat! Tamas also appreciates the sense of responsibility he gains. If he can't deliver on time, it becomes a challenge for the hospitality company, and he embraces that responsibility every day.


A day in Tamas's life:

Tamas's workday starts around 6:00 am, loading his truck with 20 to 30 roll containers. Throughout the day, he makes between 10 to 13 stops at various customers in Leiden, and his route has become familiar terrain. Tamas dedicates himself daily to serving hospitality businesses promptly and in a professional manner.

What would you like to say to people who want to become drivers? A great quote from Tamas: "Find the right company that suits you, do your job, and be happy!" 😊
